Mental Health Awareness Week: Small ways to take care of yourself and others

As Mental Health Awareness Week commences, it’s important to remember that people’s mental health struggles exist beyond this week & that our extended kindness should, too. However, now is the perfect time to practice some extra self-care and appreciation for those around you! Here’s some small ways to get you started:

  • Chat with a friend:

Sometimes all we need to know someone is there for us is a random phone call! Whether you end up delving deeply into your emotions or even if it’s a small chat about the weather, it’s nice to feel like your presence and opinion is valued. Make sure you take the time to listen, but also that your time to speak is valued, too.

  • Go for a walk:

Exercise can be a great solution for many when they’re feeling a little worse than usual, but sometimes it can be difficult to muster up the energy to put on your workout clothes and get to the gym. So, a lightweight walk through your local park or hiking trail can be an easier option. Being in nature can feel refreshing and getting out of your usual routine can break that mundane feeling.

  • Bring the spa to your home:

During our lower periods, one aspect of our lives that is often impacted first is our hygiene. When you feel ready to combat this, why not try our gently cleansing 2in1 Shower Gels? The formula is well suited to both your skin and hair to save you from faffing about with multiple products. Sometimes keeping it simple can be the push we need to hop in for a quick refresh.

  • Share your favourite food: 

Oftentimes the best conversations are held over food, whether it’s a juicy burger or a bag of crisps, sharing in something you genuinely enjoy is a fun way to expand both yours and your friend’s palate and engage with one another’s interests!

  • Have a long bath:

Fancy some deep relaxation? What’s a better way than doing so with long, hot bath? Get the candles out, put on your favourite chill playlist and get into some serious self-care. Through the hustle & bustle of everyday life, we often forget to take the time for ourselves to experience true peace and quiet. A well-known ingredient to help encourage mindfulness is lavender, a product like our benecos BIO Lavender Shower Gel would be a great addition for when you’re ready to get those taps running and start soaking until you’re all wrinkly!

benecos are proud to have sponsored various mental health charities, including Nightline, the University of St Andrews listening service that provides support for their students, whether they want to vent about exam stress, or need help regarding mental health issues, their volunteers are present and listening!

Although these ideas may seem minor, they are a great way to remind yourself, and those you care about, that you are both valued, and appreciated. What small ways will you choose to show you care for yourself and others this Mental Health Awareness Week?


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