benecos at St Andrews Fashion Show


On Saturday 15th February St Andrews University held their annual Fashion Show. The highly anticipated event is one of the largest and most successful student-run fashion shows in the UK, and we were lucky to be part of it.

The event attracts over 1500 guests and showcases students designs while raising money for charities. The 2020 Fashion Show had young designers focus on more sustainable choices in the fashion industry such as zero-waste and upcycling.

We were allowed behind the scenes and supplied our full range of Natural and Organic Make-Up for the show. Sustainable fashion and sustainable beauty come hand in hand so benecos make-up was a perfect fit.

The show was incredible from start to finish. The work put in by the students and the fashion designs made the whole event more like a high-end fashion show.


World Wellbeing Week 21st-30th June


benecos Lipstick Amnesty Success